If only …

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I have been studying the life of David – and I’m so impressed & amazed that God deliberately intended for the Bible we read to be the uncut version

There are so many things I would have left out, if I was God ;) 

A pattern I saw in David’s life is that in his early years as King, the phrase “David inquired of the Lord” is mentioned repeatedly. Before every battle, any major king issues – David asked God what he should do. But how sad that didn’t filter into his day-to-day family life.  If onlyif only David kept that pattern going in all areas of his life. 

If only we read that “David inquired of the Lord” about what he should do regarding his feelings he was having for Bathsheba. 

If only we read that “David inquired of the Lord” about what he should do regarding his son Amnon who was scheming how he could rape Tamar. 

If only we read that “David inquired of the Lord” about how to deal with his son Absalom who was quietly planning a takeover bid for the throne. 

I wonder what the stories would have been that we read if only David had inquired of the Lord for his personal life and for his family. 

It’s all very well judging David … how about my life? If only I had inquired of the Lord before some of the life decisions I have made – there would have been some different outcomes, I know. 

Thankfully the last few years have seen a change in that space and I am loving the life I get to live that has God’s input in it. 


Watch this space


Sue Hanna