Explaining the Logo (Part 2)

This blog possibly should have been written and published a long time ago, … but as they say, better late than never 

What is the thinking behind the logo?

3 circles represent a number of things: 

·      Golden circles 

·      A mentoring concept. 

·      Trinity

·      Flame

18 3 12 & 70.jpg

I first stumbled across this mentoring concept in a book by Rowland Forman called “The Lost Art of Lingering” (https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Art-Lingering-Mentoring-Transformation/dp/0983984379) which freed me up to be much more focused on who I was called to do life with. 

Past tendencies of mine were to beat myself up a bit in trying to give 100% of myself to 100% of the people. When I took a close look at Jesus life, I could see that He didn’t do that so why was I busting my gut to try and be all things to all people?

When I look at the people Jesus interacted with, He operated from intentional levels of engagement. 

Three disciples (Peter, James & John) had more of Jesus time and attention that the rest of the 12 … who had more of Jesus time and attention than the 70 that Jesus trained and sent out. 

This concept has been incredibly freeing for me. At this point in my life, I know who are in the inner circle, who are in the middle circle and who are in the outer circle. They all are in my heart and I know God has intentionally organised for our paths to connect at this time, but they don’t all get the same amount of input from me. Its not possible to give the 70 the same intense level of input that the 3 get from me.  I’m enjoying the freedom that comes from embracing the concept of these 3 circles. Hence, the 3 increasing circles in my logo.  

Who are your 3, 12 & 70? And what do they each get from you? 

Sue Hanna