Explaining the Logo (Part 3)

This blog possibly should have been written and published a long time ago, … but as they say, better late than never 


19 Trinity circles.jpg

What is the thinking behind the logo?

3 circles represent a number of things: 

·      The Golden circles idea

·      A mentoring concept 

·      Trinity

·      Flame

In mathematics, the Borromean rings are three circles which are linked but when any one ring is removed, it leaves the other two unconnected. They are all linked but also separate. This is a brilliant picture of the Trinity, God is “three yet one”. A difficult concept to get our finite minds around. I enjoy the concept that God relishes being with Himself. Father, Son & Holy Spirit, all with the same vision, same mission, but with different focus, different gifts and skills, but yet one in purpose and unity.  

I have different parts of me. Body, mind, & spirit, all different, but all ‘me’. 

In my mind, Father is the core. He is the heart of the Trinity.

Jesus is the middle section; he fleshed out the heart of the Father. 

The Holy Spirit is the all-encompassing outer ring that does life with me, bringing Fathers heart and Jesus life example alive in me. Hence, the 3 increasing circles in my logo.  

Sue Hanna