Mind the Gap
Getting on and off a train, you will often hear a pre-recorded announcement “mind the gap”
In our lives, we don’t usually like gaps. They tend to be transition times that require processing and growing.
When I read the Bible, I find in most people’s story there is a “trust gap”. A gap between what they believe and what is reality
People like: Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David, Jesus,
For each of them, the activities that they did and the part they played in Gods story for human kind is recorded for us. What I find fascinating is what they did in the gap between what was promised and when it became a reality.
Abraham – travelled around, built altars and built his family
Moses - detoxed from Egypt, learned how to live life in the desert
David – worshipped God, learned how to lead
Jesus – grew in wisdom, stature and in favour with God and man
For each of these – what they did in the gap was the key to success when they were in the flow of Gods specific calling on their life.
So - We need to put more value on our gap times. Mind the gap.
Without a gap to grow in we will arrive at our life calling’s pivotal moments unprepared, underdone in leadership, faith, and confidence in God