Short Questions – Long Answers 2

Who are you, Lord God and Who am I?

 Who am I? How do I answer that? Is it my personality style? If so, which one do you want?  Because I’m an ISTJ in Myers Briggs, a D in DISC, a ‘red’ in SDI, and a Lion in the animal Facebook test.

Whose opinion do you want as to who I am? Mine, my family, my church, my work colleagues, my neighbours or the guy at the coffee shop who cleans my car? All of those people have a different idea of who I am … and they are all correct.  

For most of my life I have summed myself up as “I’m just a farm kid” which I have used as an excuse and disclaimer. What I’m really saying is: don’t expect too much from me, I’m not an academic, I’m a practical no-nonsense person and I like simple things that I can understand and explain, things that just work. 

During 2020, I felt God saying to me, “Sue, I wish you would stop saying that, it annoys me and I don’t agree with you.” I used the same question that Jesus asked Peter, “Who do you say I am?” and I flipped it right back on to Jesus, ... “If you don’t like my answer, then who do YOU say that I am?” The answer surprised and delighted me.

I’m a child of God and I’m called and chosen.  THAT’S who I am!

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