I've got nothing ... except

I often hear comments (within my own head and from others) like, ‘I could be really effective if God would give me …’, or ‘When… happens I will be free to serve God more’, or ‘Everyone else has much more important gifts than me, if I was gifted at … I could do lots for God’.

God reply to us is always, “what do you have in your hands?” there are many examples in the Bible of people using seemingly insignificant things to great effect.

Moses standing before Pharoah, afraid and aware of his inadequacies, had nothing, except a staff that became the symbol of God’s authority that he carried. Result? – 1 million people led out of slavery.

A widow, about to lose her 2 sons to slavery to pay off a debt, Elijah asks her what she has. She had nothing, except one last bottle of oil. Result? She paid her debt, kept her sons with her and lived off the surplus income for the rest of her life.

David facing Goliath had nothing, except a sling and 5 stones. Result? Giant killed and a nation freed. 

The disciples were asked to find food for the crowd of people. They had nothing, except 5 loaves and 2 fish. Result? 5,000 people were fed with piles of leftovers. 

I’ve got nothing, except time, education, skills, money, desires and dreams. Result?  Watch this space …

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