Some things just need to be shared

Cyber space is full of blogs – do I have anything new to say? Probably not, but I am finding that the further I get from my date of birth (read .. ‘get older’) the more I enjoy thinking about things ahead of frantically doing things. The aim is that these thoughts ultimately change me – and if it changes you too, that’s a bonus.

I see this blog as a mechanism to wrap words around the thoughts that running rampant in my mind.  The hope is that this process will get those thoughts into some logical form and onto this blog which will give space for me to process the next life changing thought that needs to find its place in the cyber world – and ultimately in your mind also.

I  would like to become a better thinker and the process of wrapping words around my thoughts will encourage me (and hopefully you also) to become someone who thinks deeply and lives a more intentional life.


As I write about my life and the thoughts that shape it, please join me on the journey – Lets do this together.


Watch this space …