Unseen is not Unimportant


This week I did a mind map of the things ‘on my plate’ and at it looks like a spider has walked in ink and then spun a web all over my mind map. Even though at first glance it looks a mess, it can be reduced down to one basic principle. If my unseen world is healthy – my seen world will be healthy and effective also. 

Possibly the most important principle I am learning is:

Unseen is not unimportant.

Our world is visual and we are driven by the 5 senses. In the NGO world that I live in evidence-based programs are the ones that are funded. The ‘seen’ parts of our world are what is valued and promoted. As a follower of Jesus, I look for examples from His life to transfer to mine and I see Him taking a lot of time away from the public side of his ministry to be private and just abide – just be with His Father. The unseen times in my life that I spend with God are THE most important times. The correlation is direct - If my personal ‘unseen’ is minimal, my public ‘seen’ is minimal and if my personal ‘unseen’ is deep, my personal ‘seen’ is deep.  

So, I’m going deep and unseen and private and - ironically – I’m telling you this on a public platform ;) You may not see the results immediately – but they will show themselves in effective impact both within me and in the lives of people I bump into each day.

 Watch this space …